Location of the male prostate

Most people begin to be interested in human anatomy only when they themselves feel pain, discomfort in the organs of their body.

The same goes for the male reproductive system. Few men, let alone women, fully understand the function and location of the internal genital organs of a man.

For many, it remains a mystery where the prostate is located in men, what is its role in the body.

The prostate gland or prostate is an exocrine gonad, an androgen -dependent organ – found only in men. It is located along the urethra below the bladder in the pelvic cavity.

Features of the structure and function

The prostate gland is a parenchymal lobular organ consisting of glandular epithelium and connective tissue that divides the organ into lobules. The ducts from the prostate open into the lumen of the urethra.

During ejaculation, the secretion secreted from the prostate mixes with spermatozoa and gets out. This secret is rich in carbohydrates, male hormones that create a favorable environment for male germ cells, increasing their activity and viability in the external environment.


The prostate is located in the pelvic cavity.

With her body, she bends around the neck of the bladder and urethra.

From the side of the back, it comes into contact with the wall of the rectum, which allows it to be palpated rectally. It also closely adheres to the seminal vesicles, the vas deferens.

Due to its proximity to the urethra (urinary canal), the prostate gland forms another urethral constriction, which explains the violation of urination during inflammation, an increase in the size of this gland.

Diagnosis of diseases of the prostate gland

Understanding the position of the prostate in men, important knowledge for a doctor in almost any specialty

. Due to the fact that the neck of the bladder in men is deflected deep into the pelvic cavity, the prostate cannot be palpated through the anterior abdominal wall.

To palpate it, the surgeon or urologist needs to conduct a digital examination of the rectum and accompanying palpation of the posterior wall of the prostate gland. This study will be informative only if there are seals and a pronounced change in size.

Many men, for various reasons, during routine medical examinations refuse a digital examination of the rectum, and choose ultrasound.

So they expose themselves to the risk of not detecting a beginning oncological process both in the rectum and directly in the prostate gland.

The photo shows how an ultrasound of the bladder of men is performed.

Another common way to assess the structure of the prostate is ultrasound diagnostics. When conducting ultrasound, it is possible to visualize through the anterior abdominal wall, after creating the conditions for filling the bladder with urine.

Rarely, to exclude the pathology of the dorsal wall, ultrasound is performed using a rectal ultrasound probe. When conducting these studies, it is possible to reliably assess the size, shape of the gland, as well as the presence of calcifications or other pathological formations in it.

In case of suspected severe pathology, CT and MRI studies are performed in order to thoroughly study the morphology of the prostate and pathological inclusions in it.

The functional state of the prostate gland can be assessed by examining the ejaculate of a man. In the spermogram , in addition to assessing the state of the spermatozoa themselves, it is possible to determine the qualitative composition of the prostatic fluid.

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