Do men have menopause

Everyone knows about menopause in women, but does menopause occur in men? With age, irreversible changes (aging) occur in any human body, regardless of gender, which means menopause is not only a female concept. Consider menopause in men, symptoms, features of its course.

At different stages of life, the ratio of hormones in the body changes.

  • In adolescents, some hormones predominate, in adults others.
  • The peak of hormonal activity falls on 30 years, then there is a gradual decrease.

The older a man is, the less testosterone he produces. This is due to the menopause.

  • It is similar for men and women, but there are differences.
  • The most common initial symptoms in the form of hot flashes, fever, headache, weakness, sweating, jumps in blood pressure in men are not so pronounced and generally not observed in everyone, about one in six patients pays attention to them. Therefore, many healthy people are unaware of the existence of male menopause.

What is male menopause ( andropause )?

This is a natural process of aging of the genital area and a decrease in the production of male hormones, during which a functional restructuring of all systems of internal organs occurs.

  • Andropause lasts about five years (according to various sources, from 2 to 7 years).
  • Then the hormonal background stabilizes, the functional restructuring ends.
  • The end of menopause in a man is marked by the disappearance of negative symptoms, if any. It is worth noting that only about 20% of men under the age of 80 have a clinically significant testosterone deficiency.

By age

menopause or andropause in men is:

  1. Early. Begins before the age of 45. It is considered more severe in terms of the severity of the processes, worse tolerated. According to statistics, cases of early onset of menopause have become more frequent.
  2. Common (common). Begins after 45-50 years.
  3. Late. It begins after 60 years, as a rule, is genetically determined.

With the flow

Andropause has :

  1. Physiological flow. The state of health does not change at all or slightly. Typical for most men.
  2. pathological course. Complaints about well-being appear, the psyche is disturbed. Medical intervention is required to exclude concomitant pathology that appears with age, the appointment of therapy. It occurs much less frequently.

Causes of early andropause , provoking factors

The role of genetics is recognized, a combination of negative factors:

  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs);
  • Sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating behavior;
  • Poor ecology, chronic intoxication as a result of working in a hazardous industry or living in a disadvantaged area;
  • Irregular sex, frequent change of partners, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Overwork, sleep disturbance, chronic stress, depression;
  • The presence of serious chronic diseases: diabetes mellitus, severe hypertension, circulatory disorders, atherosclerosis of vessels in the small pelvis;
  • Oncological diseases, HIV.

Symptoms of a pathological condition

The onset of menopause in men is usually asymptomatic or with mild symptoms. Only in some cases, the work of internal organs is sharply disrupted, pain syndrome appears, and the quality of life deteriorates.

Then they talk about the pathological course of andropause . Such patients need medical correction of the condition. At the age of up to 50 years, they are about 8%, and by the age of 60 already about 20%. Pathological andropause is characterized by:

Changes in the genitourinary system, sexual disorders Libido decreases, potency worsens, spontaneous morning erection disappears. During intimacy, there may be a decrease in the sensitivity of the penis, there are difficulties in the onset of orgasm, early ejaculation with a decrease in the amount of sperm. Sometimes urinary incontinence develops, a violation of urination.
Psycho-emotional discomfort Against the background of emerging sexual failures, many men become nervous, begin to complex, their mood decreases, apathy sets in, and in severe cases, depression. Irritability, irascibility, even aggressiveness appear. Married men are less prone to depression or apathy. Often there are problems with sleep, as a result, daytime weakness, fatigue, loss of strength. Against the background of andropause , there is a deterioration in memory, the ability to concentrate attention, and perceive new information.
Vegetative changes Sensations of a rush of blood, heat, sweating increases. Concerned about constipation
Cardiac and vascular disorders Against the background of menopause in men, tachycardia, arrhythmia, cardialgia, fluctuations in blood pressure appear. A decrease in testosterone production can provoke a change in the biochemical composition of the blood – cholesterol increases, low-density lipoproteins increase and high-density lipoproteins decrease. These changes contribute to the formation of cholesterol deposits (plaques) on the walls of blood vessels, the formation of atherosclerosis. The course of IHD worsens. There is a risk of myocardial infarction and stroke.
Change in metabolism Violated carbohydrate, lipid, mineral metabolism. In men with a sedentary lifestyle, obesity occurs, gynecomastia can be seen. In the case of a hereditary predisposition, type 2 diabetes mellitus may begin. The mineralization of bone tissue decreases, this is manifested by osteopenia and osteoporosis. The risk of fractures increases.

No man experiences all the symptoms at the same time. If there are 3-5 in a pronounced form, this is a reason to see a doctor.


When diagnosing, the cause of the deterioration in the patient’s well-being and complaints is determined – andropause or concomitant pathology of the organs.

Often such patients are observed by narrow specialists – an endocrinologist, a cardiologist, a neurologist, and receive treatment.

The result of therapy is temporary, since the cause remains unidentified. It is recommended that all men who have reached the age of 40-45 (the age of the possible onset of male menopause) be referred for a consultation with an andrologist.

  • First of all, it is necessary to determine whether there is a testosterone deficiency, the degree of its severity.
  • Based on these data, they decide whether hormone replacement therapy is needed or not.
  • To do this, check the amount of total and active testosterone in the blood.
  • The level of other hormones is also determined – binding globulin, prolactin, lipotropic steroid.
  • Be sure to fill out specialized questionnaires, where erectile dysfunction, urinary outflow disorders, age-related androgen deficiency are assessed on a scale of symptom severity.
  • To exclude pathology, they conduct studies of organs, do ultrasound, ultrasound of blood vessels.
  • ECG, EchoKg , sugar curve, biochemistry, etc. may be required.
  • Exclude secondary hypogonadism that occurred after suffering STDs, provoked by tumors, concussion or brain contusion, which appeared on the background of endocrine pathology.

Male menopause, principles of treatment

According to the results of the examination, treatment is prescribed

Medications, dietary supplements, vitamins

Depending on the diagnosis, different medications may be prescribed.

Medicines containing testosterone


Tablets /capsules Implants Ointments and gels plasters Injections
  Andriol ;  Halotestin ;   Proviron ;   Vistimon ;   Metadren In the form of capsules placed under the skin in the abdomen for 6 months Androgel   Nebido ; Testosterone propionate;   Sustanon ;   Omnadren

Treatment is indicated if the testosterone level is lower than 180 pmol /litre. or on this border.

Medicinal stimulants of androgen production

  • Arimatest ;
  • Vitrix ;
  • Cyclo- Bolan ;
  • Animal Test;
  • Evo -Test.

Dietary supplements to increase testosterone production – Paritet, Tribulus .

Drugs that affect potency

Herbal or pharmacological – phosphodiesterase inhibitors :

  • with tadalafil ;
  • with vardenafil ;
  • with sildenafil .

Antidepressants, tranquilizers, sedatives

Assign for psycho-emotional disorders.

Statins and fibrates

It is prescribed if cholesterol is elevated, the lipid profile is disturbed.


group B, as well as E, A, F.

If the symptoms of menopause in men are manifested by cardiac disorders, cardiologists treat according to the results of the examination.

Folk remedies, herbal medicine

Herbs can help with moderate erectile dysfunction, can increase libido.

  • Soothing teas or decoctions normalize sleep, relieve anxiety, irritability, which are not uncommon at the onset of a menopausal state of a man. Cardiovascular fees remove pressure surges.

Top plants for erectile dysfunction

Ginseng . Used as a tincture or decoction. Increases libido and duration of sexual intercourse, increases efficiency.

Ivan tea (fireweed). It has a beneficial effect on both the reproductive system and the entire body.

Calamus root . Normalizes the prostate gland. Increases the body’s defenses.

Parsley . Contains all the trace elements necessary for men, an aphrodisiac, is a stimulator of testosterone production, increases potency.

Lemongrass . Stimulates the production of hormones, improves potency. Contains zinc.

Suitable teas from such common herbs as: thyme, St. John’s wort, dill seeds, hawthorn, golden root, cloves, sage, ginger, cumin.

With stress, exhaustion of the nervous system, there is no better lemon balm, mint, chamomile, linden. The easiest way to use all these herbs is to pour boiling water over a tablespoon of chopped dried herbs of your choice or herbal mixture, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take 50 ml three to four times a day.

Non-drug treatment

  1. Acupuncture.
  2. Physiotherapy.
  3. Manual therapy.
  4. Psychotherapy.
  5. Hirudotherapy.
  6. Exercise therapy, home exercises from the Kegel complex, yoga.

Preventive actions

  1. With age, try to moderately reduce mental, physical activity. Refuse the elevator, walk more often, do exercises or special exercises, do yoga. Sit less in front of the TV. Reading books, chess keep the brain in good shape.
  2. Don’t overwork yourself. There is no need to compete for championship in sports, physical activity should not be excessive.
  3. Regular intimate life (for each individual norms) is also important. Do not be afraid of failure and because of this, completely abandon sex.
  4. It is important to eat right. With age, you need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates and fats. Daily use fresh salads from vegetables, greens on vegetable oils, and not on mayonnaise. Less salt, try to eat vegetables without salt at all. There are many recommendations on proper nutrition for menopause in Malysheva’s programs, on health sites on the Internet, and advice on forums. Watch your weight, try to keep body weight in the age norm.
  5. Follow the routine, get enough sleep.
  6. Give up bad habits, reduce the consumption of beer, wine, and even more so strong drinks.
  7. After the age of 40, undergo regular examinations by a urologist, even if nothing bothers you. Prostate adenoma is easier to treat in the initial stage than to operate later.

Difference between male and female menopause

With the onset of menopause in women, it is impossible to make a mistake, menopause occurs. In men, everything is more complicated – during menopause there is no complete clinical picture. Often there are no symptoms at all. It flows longer than the female, more smoothly and is temporary.

In women, with the onset of menopause, fertility disappears. In men, the ability to fertilize is preserved. A man is able to conceive a child at the age of 60, and even later.


Andropause is not a disease, there is no need to fight it. Correction of the condition is required only in the pathological course of andropause . Menopause often goes unnoticed in men.

If after 45 years hot flashes, sweating, weakness, irritability and other symptoms characteristic of women in menopause appear, you don’t have to wind yourself up and be nervous.

  • Consult with a urologist or andrologist. The doctor will conduct an examination, prescribe treatment, if necessary.
  • With mood swings, apathy, a conversation with a psychologist will help. If depression has begun, it is worth visiting a psychiatrist.
  • With erectile dysfunction, you will cope with a sex therapist.

After about five years, all pathological symptoms disappear, male menopause is a physiological stage in the life of every man, and there is no reason to panic.

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