Research confirms that by 2025, almost all wealthy families in the world will have a sex robot at their disposal, and in 2050, sex between humans and machines will exceed human sexual relations. This is how the physicist, mathematician and futurist Ian Pearson states emphatically in his article on the future of sex.
Unfortunately, technology hasn’t changed as much as promised. Yes, we use computers and we have the opportunity to talk to a person who is on the other side of the earth, but we continue to use notebooks, live in ordinary buildings, and follow the daily routine.
There is no doubt that the use of humanoids for sexual relations is highly controversial. However, the emergence of robots capable of feeling, reacting and acting cannot be denied.
Innovative sextech technology
What is now known as sextech is an innovative technology with the development of an extensive menu of sexual practices for which our body will no longer be the border.
Sex experiments
Ian Pearson argues, “Virtual reality will allow you to maintain relationships at a distance, feel kisses, hugs and other affection thanks to sensors connected to the touchscreen that send signals to the human brain. It will be possible to materialize any fantasy, or recreate the voice of someone who has already died. People will experiment with sex, and this multitude of possibilities will cause moral and legal problems (no one will forbid a pedophile to have a robot boy for sex). Technology moves forward faster than society, politics or laws. “
Sex therapy for everyone sextech
technology is designed primarily to improve sexual intercourse. Its development covers many areas and is estimated at almost $ 30 million. The creation of this technology will have a great impact on the elderly and people with disabilities, who are very limited in healthy sex. In addition, sextech will improve teen sex education in the future . Virtual reality can be an excellent sex therapy and an innovative, effective method for eliminating and reducing sexual aggression.
New genitals and a long orgasm
Ian Pearson also considers it possible to create new types of sex, new genitals. “Why not invent new genitals instead of just two? We can create 20 new types and provide them with erotic sensitivity, the ability to experience menopause. These organs can feel orgasm using electronic stimuli, activating areas of the brain that work during sex. The only thing missing is a special implant , which has many robots. One press of a button will recreate a 15-second orgasm. “
Active skin or electronic skin technology
At the moment, Pearson is also working on his active skin or electronic skin project , initiated in 2001. This system allows you to store emotions in order to reproduce them in the future. “For example, if you had good sex with your loved one, you can save and replay the act when your partner is away on the phone. Or sleep with some celebrity, save and then sell this act through Amazon so that everyone can enjoy it. This ability to identify, preserve and then reproduce feelings and sensations will allow you to open with free access to entire libraries of sexual experiences passed by a wide variety of people. “
The question is, can we adapt to these changes?
The possibility of having an endless menu of sexual experiences for almost every human or robot seems dizzying. Especially when one of the most common reasons for visiting a sexologist these days is lack of desire. We lose our appetite, and the future invites us to a bacchanalia with thousands of dishes that we must try. The expression “making love” will soon be phased out because love and sex will become two separate, incompatible words. You just need to turn on the gadget, sensors and enjoy the sensations from many decibels.
Candidates for Sexual Partners: Robot or Human
If the sexual revolution of the 70s separated sex from reproductive function (thanks to contraceptives) and from love, then new technologies promise us, through sensors, humanoids and virtual reality, to provide the best sex that physiology only allows. “Modern mechanisms and robots will have direct access to the erogenous zones of the brain. This is probably something unrealistic, especially for avid sex lovers,” says Ian Pearson.
What are the reasons for the ending of real sex? Fading desire or striving for something more innovative and unexpected? Renowned gynecologist and sexologist Francisco Molero claims that “there will be two currents in the future.” Those who accept these new technologies will improve and test them, and those who will be faithful to real, natural sex. Sexual intercourse is associated with three indispensable elements: desire, reproduction, and erotic communication. Perhaps this aseptic pleasure that robots will deliver will not be enough. This will not satisfy us, because we strive for human contact. Where will play, flirting, conquest, love, sex, orgasm disappear? “