10 facts you didn’t know about the vagina spoiler: vagina and vulva are not the same

2019 was a landmark year for Britain with the opening of the world’s first Vagina Museum. The main goal of the curators of the project was to debunk the most popular myths about women’s health. The opening of such a museum is an important step towards removing the taboo from a topic that was previously not accepted to speak out loud.

Since the beginning of the sexual revolution  in the second half of the XX century. scientists have made significant progress in the study of the female reproductive system in comparison with the ideas of ancient Greek scientists, who considered the uterus as a separate vagus organ that causes various diseases. The educational mission also does not stand still: already in 1946 the animated film of the Disney studio “Menstruation Story” was released, in which the word “vagina” was first pronounced. Today, schools conduct educational lessons on the topic of intimate health and sexual life, talk openly on television about gynecological diseases, and massively publish books detailing the genitals.

The vulva inspires artists, photographers and sculptors to create works of art, and marketers are actively promoting an intimate topic, attracting the attention of buyers to their products (which only are Gwyneth Paltrow’s new candles called “Smells Like My Vagina”, which were instantly sold out after their appearance in online store). And despite all this, there remains a huge number of people (and many of them are women) who have a very vague idea of ​​the health and physiology of female genital organs.

It doesn’t matter if you were embarrassed to ask or didn’t know where to look for information on this topic, just read on – in this article we will tell you how the vagina should smell and where to press to achieve the longed-for vaginal orgasm .  

1. Vagina and vulva – not “Goga, he’s Gosh”

You will be surprised to learn how many people misnamed the female genital area. So let’s figure it out. There are three terms we use when referring to the female genitals: vagina, vagina, and vulva. And if the vagina and vagina are interchangeable names that denote the inner part of a woman’s reproductive system: the muscular canal 6 to 15 cm long, connecting the cervix and the external genitals. Then these very external genitals are the vulva. It includes: labia, urethra, clitoris, pubis.

2. The appearance of the vulva is unique, like the women themselves

Several years ago, British sculptor Jamie McCartney presented the world with a remarkable installation, which he gave the majestic title “Great Wall of Vaginas”. And, despite the fact that Jamie should have read the first paragraph of this article, since the basis of his exhibition was made up of 400 casts of vulvas (and not vaginas), the goal of the project was a noble one: to make women love their uniqueness and not be complex, looking for the imperfections of their body. With this exhibition, the artist also wanted to shame the cosmetic companies, which, taking advantage of the girls’ uncertainty, impose unnecessary plastic surgeries on them.

3. The hymen is an optional attribute of innocence

The times when virginity was cherished like the apple of an eye, intending to give it as a priceless gift to the only lover, and on the wedding night a whole retinue of relatives was on duty under the doors of the newlyweds’ bedroom, wanting to see a sheet with signs of defloration, have long passed, leaving behind only bewilderment and sympathy to all the girls who lived at that time. Our contemporaries are more relaxed in this matter and each decides on her own when and with whom to go for the first time along the road of sexual pleasures. But some stereotypes about the loss of virginity still haunt girls in the 21st century. Remember that the hymen (the same hymen) is different for everyone : some do not have it at all, others have it very elastic (even after sex it remains unharmed), in others this piece of connective tissue is so delicate that it can be damaged even while riding or bike ride.

4. After childbirth, not only the vagina changes, but also the vulva

The birth canal is called that way, which is a symbolic path to life for a new, little person. However, after childbirth, this road (i.e. the vagina) is not in the best condition. In addition, pregnancy is reflected in the appearance of the genitals. Hormones produced during pregnancy can change the size and shape of the vulva: the labia may darken or swell. During labor, the vagina is stretched, and the genitals are even dissected by doctors to successfully complete the process of giving birth to a baby. Despite the fact that the vagina endures huge loads during childbirth and after it has a very shabby appearance, usually, after a short period of time, everything returns to normal. And after a couple of years, a satisfied woman again stomps into the hospital, sacrificing intimate beauty for the life of a long-awaited baby. 

5. The vagina can be strengthened and the appearance of the vulva changed

Any appearance of the vulva, the width and depth of the vagina are considered normal if they do not cause discomfort and inconvenience to their owner. But if a woman has congenital features of the genitals or the appearance of the genitals prevents her from enjoying intimate relationships, then modern plastic surgery can offer several options that will help eliminate the problem and in the future will allow a woman to indulge in all types of passionate sex without care. By the way, you can “strengthen the grip” during intercourse by strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor. In the 40s of the last century, the American gynecologist Arnold Kegel, in pursuit of the goal of treating primarily patients with urinary incontinence, developed exercises that today help not only those women who have medical problems, but also everyone who wants to become the most skillful lover. in the life of her man.  

6. The clitoris is bigger than it seems

Anatomically, a “clitoris” is a small, pea-sized bump that is hidden under a fold of skin called the ” clitoral hood.” Especially no one from the medical world was interested in the true size of the clitoris until, in 2009, a group of French researchers created a three-dimensional model of the “source of female pleasure.” It was then that it became obvious that what appears to the male gaze during cunnilingus is just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, the clitoris is a whole device that resembles a lever and reaches 10 cm in length from the tangible top to the end of what is hidden inside. This form is associated with the fact that during pregnancy, the sex characteristics of a boy and a girl until about the 12th week are similar and represent the so-called. “genital tubercle”. Further, continuing its development in the uterus, the tubercle is transformed into a direct female or male genital organ. So it turns out that the penis and the clitoris have a lot in common.

7. And yet it … exists!

Like persistent seafarers plying the seas in search of unknown lands, caring men work at night, trying to find the cherished G-spot and give their beloved an unforgettable orgasm. It turns out not for everyone and many “seekers” lose their enthusiasm, considering the notorious point to be an invention of frigid ladies. To be honest, many women also do not take seriously the information about the presence of such an erogenous zone, because about 40% of us have never experienced an exclusively vaginal orgasm, without clitoral stimulation. And yet, sexologists assure that one should not stop on the path of searching for new forms of pleasure. One of the ways to achieve vaginal orgasm with G – spot stimulation is through fingering . The partner’s skillful fingers will help you experience unforgettable sensations, after which there will be no doubts about the existence of the cherished erogenous zone.  

8. Not only G, but also A

The G-spot is not the only source of pleasure hidden deep in the vagina. About 5 cm above the G-point, between the cervix and the bladder, is the A-point, which is often called the “female prostate”. Finding erogenous zones is like a fun quest that will be generously rewarded upon completion. So, to find point A, insert your index finger 5-8 cm into the vagina, then bend it up, towards the navel. It is here that point G is located. From this point move inland for about the same distance. You will know when you reach the zone of special sensitivity. If the attempt is unsuccessful, do not worry, try again, only now use a dildo or vibrator instead of fingers.

9. The vagina has a smell (and it is not the smell of roses)

It is a shame to admit it, but the female genitals do not exude the scent of a spring meadow, and no matter how many pineapples you eat on the advice of the Kardashian sisters , the vagina will not smell of either fruit or flowers. The vagina has its own microflora, which is populated with beneficial bacteria that maintain a healthy PH level, so it has a slightly musky, unlike anything else. In addition, it is unique for every woman and can change depending on the menstrual cycle, diet, breastfeeding, menopause, antibiotic treatment, etc. But vaginal infections (yeast, bacteria, STIs) affect the microflora of the vagina, so if the genitals exude an unusual aroma, and all this is accompanied by burning, itching or atypical discharge, make an urgent appointment with a gynecologist. 

10. Only 8% of women experience real PMS

The reason why men demonize women every month, and women without remorse, indulge in “zagory”, crying to the melodramatic series – is actually a fiction. Real premenstrual syndrome is a condition so severe that it prevents a woman from participating in everyday life, and many even require treatment with hormones or antidepressants during this period. Only 8% of girls have this severe form of PMS. Mild to moderate premenstrual syndrome accompanies 20-30% of women, while the rest tolerate menstruation completely asymptomatic. Women who are often exposed to stress, genetically predisposed to depression, including postpartum depression, should be especially attentive to their health, as they are the ones who most often suffer from premenstrual dysphoric disorder, a severe form of PMS.

The vagina is an integral part of the female body. And do not shyly lower your eyes at the mention of the vagina, being afraid to ask questions of interest, read additional information, keeping silent about important symptoms from your gynecologist. This organ is a source of feminine strength, it helps to give birth to a new person, and also gives us an unforgettable experience every night. So don’t be afraid to take care of your vagina and explore all of its erogenous zones. For this, it will thank you with long and unforgettable orgasms.

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