How long does sexual intercourse last: norm and pathology

Sexual relations are an integral part of life. They make it possible for partners to have fun during bodily interaction, and, of course, perform the function of prolonging the family.

Sex is the best natural antidepressant, it gives a good relaxation and helps to cope with stress.


People who specialize in sexology have provided statistics that indicate the average duration of sexual intercourse for the male population. It is believed that on average, about three minutes is enough for a man, while even a sexual intercourse lasting one and a half minutes can be considered the norm.

A report was made from the insertion of the penis into the vagina until the moment of ejaculation.
Accelerated should be considered an orgasm, achieved in less than a minute and a half.

But before you worry about “accelerated ejaculation”, you need to consider some factors that affect the speed of getting an orgasm. For example, rapid ejaculation may occur due to a nervous breakdown, overexcitation, or after a long period of abstinence.

And in this case, the accelerated receipt of orgasm is not considered a deviation. Also, in men with increased excitability of the nervous system, accelerated ejaculation can also be observed.
The statistics are silent about the time frame for women. Probably because the average woman does not get an orgasm from every sexual intercourse.

According to studies in healthy men, normal sexual intercourse should last from 2 to 10 minutes on average.

On average, a woman takes about three or five minutes. But this is on condition that sexual intercourse will be daily. If sexual intimacy lasts more than 15 minutes, it exhausts the couple very much, so making any movements is already more problematic.

Prolonged intercourse happens if there is no foreplay that excites both people equally strongly. It is foreplay that can speed up the process of getting an orgasm in a woman.

Often, most men think about how to increase the time of sexual intercourse?

But this is not always necessary. If five minutes is enough for both a man and a woman to get an orgasm, then it is absolutely not worth trying to exhaust yourself with additional time: it will tire both of them.

Duration of sexual intercourse and age

The duration of coitus depends on age – this has been proven by experts. The time of intercourse during puberty increases, and by the age of twenty-two, sexual activity decreases, but after twenty-five, on the contrary, it increases.

This is because a man’s level of sexuality declines in adulthood and was not stable during early puberty. Yet the average duration of sex usually depends on external factors.

Average duration of sexual intercourse

For men, the average duration for intercourse is considered a controversial issue. This is due to the fact that many people calculate the beginning and end of sexual intercourse differently. And also on whether foreplay and kisses are included in the calculation.

But the period of calculation is considered correct, when frictional movements of sexual intimacy are made. With this calculation, the time is taken from the moment when the man inserts the penis into the vagina until ejaculation.

It is also necessary to take into account the number of translational movements, in other words, the number of frictional movements performed by a man during intercourse.

Duration of coitus

The duration of sexual contact is divided into three types: short (1.5 minutes), medium intercourse (2.5), long (about 3.5). Basically, from the introduction of a member to orgasm, it takes about five minutes.

For men, the average duration for intercourse is considered a controversial issue.

The norm for a man

The male body is very different from the female, therefore it has a characteristic reaction for each stage of sexual intimacy. The speed of each stage is also different. For men, the foreplay stage proceeds much faster than it is necessary for women.

Therefore, before embarking on sexual activity with a partner, it is worth discussing foreplay. This will help to avoid dissatisfaction, since men need much less time to become aroused, and in order to get an orgasm, he needs about ten seconds.

The friction period is more necessary for women than for men, since men do not get pleasant sensations, so it makes no sense for them to delay the moment of orgasm.
The speed at which a man ejaculates is influenced by many factors.

First of all, the frequency of sexual contacts. Rare sexual intercourse leads to the fact that much less time is required before the onset of orgasm. Also, many men claim that the speed of getting an orgasm depends on how much they like their partner.

If a man has a strong desire at the sight of a woman, ejaculation during intercourse will come faster than usual.

The normal duration of sexual intercourse depends on the individual characteristics of the man and his partner.

The male body is very different from the female, and therefore has a characteristic reaction to each stage of sexual intimacy.

Normal duration of sex for women

Experts conducted a survey among women and came to the conclusion, based on the calculation of answers, that for an average woman, one sexual intercourse per day, lasting about five minutes, is enough. If the intercourse lasts longer, it can exhaust both the man and the woman.

Stages of sexual intercourse

Foreplay is considered the first stage of sexual intimacy. At this stage, a man and a woman are trying to excite their partner with kisses, caresses or words. The result of achieving sexual arousal in the female is moisturizing the vagina and tightening the nipples.

For men, the result of arousal is an erection of the penis, which will be enough to enter the vagina.

The second stage is the erection stage. The penis of a man becomes hard, the head of the penis increases, a small amount of moisture may appear on it.

For a woman, the stage of erection is the period when the labia is enlarged, the clitoris is tense and the vagina is moistened by secreting a special fluid from the glands.

The third stage is the copulative stage – the performance of frictional movements.
And the fourth and final stage is getting an orgasm. But it is often attributed to the third stage of sexual intimacy.

Ways to increase the time of sexual intercourse for men

If a man is not satisfied with the duration of sexual intercourse, this may indicate some violation in the function of the body of a man. The duration of sexual intercourse less than a minute indicates possible diseases: prostatitis, mental disorders that are associated with past failures in sexual life, inflammation, hormone imbalance, vesiculitis.

It is also possible increased sensitivity of the glans penis, injuries of the spinal cord, brain and spine. In order to return to a normal sexual life, you should treat your body, since such diseases do not go away on their own.

Medicines are prescribed to treat the infection. From a nervous breakdown, medications in the form of antidepressants can also be prescribed, and psychotherapy sessions are added to them.
To reduce the sensitivity of the head of the penis, injections with hyaluronic acid are prescribed, which creates a special layer that dulls sensations. Also, in some cases, surgical intervention in the form of cutting or cutting off nerve fibers may be necessary.

Too long intercourse

Too long sexual intercourse can also be a deviation from the norm. This may indicate that there are some disorders in the state of the genitourinary function in a man.

Prolonged sexual intercourse can be a symptom of seminal retention, which is provoked by diabetes or inflammation of the reproductive system, drug abuse, alcohol, as well as spinal injuries, diseases of the endocrine system and pathologies.
The duration of sex is affected by the intake of certain drugs.

For example, antidepressants and drugs that affect blood circulation.
In order to improve their sexual function and increase the time of sexual intercourse, a man should take some measures.

For example, you can start taking systemic drugs, such as herbal medicines or herbal infusions.

One of the best is the infusion of hops. It calms the nervous system.
You can also use topical preparations, a spray or ointment that will help delay the moment a man gets an orgasm.

But such funds, getting into the female vagina, dull the sensations, thereby preventing women from getting an orgasm.

It is important to remember about special condoms that contain anesthetics only on the inside. You can also use creams that dull the sensations, and they can be worn with ordinary condoms.

This will be a good way to increase the duration of sexual intercourse. You can also use condoms because they are made of rubber, which reduces the degree of arousal in a man by creating an obstacle between the tissues of the penis and vagina. But with strong arousal or after prolonged abstinence, this method is not suitable.

With the help of surgery, you can achieve a better result. Circumcision is usually performed, after which the sensations of the head become dull. The receptors of the head cease to react strongly to external stimuli, because of this, sexual intercourse becomes longer.

There are some techniques for self-control of the ejaculation process. They are simple, but require some effort on yourself. It is necessary to perform them correctly as follows: at the moment of the peak of pleasure, it is necessary to stop the forward movements and take a deep breath, holding the air in the lungs a little, then slowly exhale and continue the frictional movements.

A partner can also participate in this technique, bringing a man to a state before orgasm and stop. If you regularly use these methods, a man will develop a reflex with which he can control his arousal.

In order to slightly delay the moment of orgasm, extraneous thoughts will help. For this, a man during intercourse needs to think about something else. But this method can lead to the fact that the erection will be lost.

Sports will get rid of excess sexual energy, which will go into the work of other muscles. Scientists have proven that athletic people can more confidently control their body, which allows them to get rid of too fast ejaculation.

Experts say that the average duration of sexual contact can be from half a minute to fifteen minutes. Therefore, unnecessary worries about the duration of sex are not needed. In case of deviations from the norm, it is better to contact a sexologist.

Even if there are no health problems, you can find a way to normalize the duration of sexual intimacy.

But if any disease is detected, it should be treated immediately, then it will be possible to return the normal duration and avoid unpleasant consequences.

It is important to remember that basically the average time is indicated, which can be different for everyone.

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