Causes of itching and burning with prostatitis

The most common symptom of prostate inflammation is disturbed and painful urination. Burning with prostatitis is experienced by all patients, because. bacterial microflora, the main source of the pathological process, spreads very quickly throughout the urinary system, affecting also the urethra. In pain

The majority of cases of prostatitis are men over 40 years of age, tk. by this age, the first changes begin in the body, but in recent years there has been a tendency to rejuvenate this disease. Inflammation can occur in different forms and stages.

Features of the disease

The first discomfort in the representatives of the stronger sex suffering from prostatitis develops precisely in the perineum, in the area where the prostate is located. Until the pathogens are localized in the prostate gland, the guy does not experience vivid symptoms of the disease and is in no hurry to see a doctor.

But as soon as bacteria enter the urethra, the clinical picture changes dramatically. In addition to acute burning sensation with prostatitis that occurs when trying to urinate, the following manifestations are noted:

  • burning and acute pain in the head of the penis after having sex;
  • an increase in temperature to 37.2-37.5 degrees, indicating ongoing inflammation and intoxication;
  • delayed outflow of urine;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • increased urge to empty the bladder, especially at night;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder after visiting the restroom.

Discomfort and burning in the groin and urethra in a man usually has such causes as the primary manifestation of the pathology or exacerbation in the chronic form, if the treatment for diagnosed prostatitis has already been carried out.

What else to pay attention to

The prostate gland is one of the components of the genitourinary system, which means that its work and condition can affect other organs associated with it. So, the thrill or itching with prostatitis can be observed not only in the groin, but also in the lower back, scrotum, rectum and even legs.

Most patients do not associate such signs with each other, which often leads to the development of severe complications.

To prevent this, you should pay attention to such alarming phenomena:

  • the appearance in urine and seminal fluid of uncharacteristic impurities: mucus, pus, flakes, etc., which are a direct sign of inflammation;
  • redness and swelling of the head of the penis, scrotum, which increase after intercourse, defecation, long sitting in one place;
  • swollen lymph nodes in the groin.

IMPORTANT!!! Enlarged lymph nodes are a very alarming sign, because. may be a symptom of a secondary infection.

Very often, prostatitis occurs in conjunction with other infectious diseases of the urogenital area: urethritis, cystitis, gonorrhea, pyelonephritis, chlamydia, etc.

These diseases have their own unique manifestations, but the classic picture usually coincides with the symptoms of prostatitis, which is why the infectious disease is not given worthy attention, and it continues to progress, interfering with treatment and recovery.

Types of itching with prostatitis

To make the treatment of diseases better, urologists divide itchy sensations into two types. This may be a primary manifestation that occurs precisely as a result of the inflammation of the iron of the prostate organ itself, and secondary, when discomfort and prostatitis itself develop against the background of other pathological conditions.

Still uncomfortable sensations are evaluated according to the organ in which they first appeared. So, itching can be:

  • anal;
  • urethral;
  • non-infectious.

Unpleasant symptoms with inflammation of the prostate can be localized in different parts of the inguinal region. Often, pathology leads to an exacerbation of other diseases of the patient, as in the case of anal fissures.

Small wounds of the anus and rectum may not bother a man or manifest themselves slightly, but when microbes enter the genitourinary system, they also become inflamed, so itching in the anus increases with prostatitis or other infections. Very often, itching in the anus begins earlier than the stove in the urethral region or the pain in the perineum.

Itching in the urethra is usually caused by sexually transmitted infections, fungal or bacterial pathologies. If the burning sensation occurred before the itching of the prostate, then prostatitis developed against the background of STDs, and is a secondary pathology, and vice versa.

Before you try to relieve the burning sensation in the urethra in chronic prostatitis, you should accurately determine what caused it. Sometimes the nature of an unpleasant symptom is non-infectious in nature and discomfort can be provoked by:

  • trauma of the mucous membranes of the urethra caused by active sexual intercourse, masturbation, ingress of a foreign body;
  • eating on the eve of spicy, spicy or salty foods in large volumes;
  • excessive alcoholic outpourings;
  • change of personal hygiene cosmetics or household chemicals (allergy to shower gel, washing powder, flavored toilet paper, etc.);
  • taking certain types of drugs (the products of their decay are usually excreted along with urine and can cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the urinary system).

If the burning sensation in the urethra with prostatitis is caused by these reasons, there is no need to take medications, the discomfort disappears on its own after a while. If there is no improvement, you should consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive medical examination.

Diagnostic methods

Survey task:

  • determine the cause of the discomfort that has arisen, i.e. accurate diagnosis;
  • establish its form and stage;
  • identify the pathogen and select drugs to combat it.

To completely get rid of disturbing sensations, a man needs to visit a number of specialists (proctologist, venereologist, endocrinologist) and pass clinical tests:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • bakposev on microflora;
  • a study on the level of PSA (predisposition to prostate adenoma);
  • analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis and helminths

It will also require an ultrasound of the prostate and pelvic organs, if itching is present in the anus – colonoscopy, anoscopy . Based on the results of all diagnostics received, the pathology itself and its cause will be established, as well as the therapy of the disease will be determined.

Treatment of an unpleasant symptom

How to remove burning, itching and pain with prostatitis? There is only one way – to cure the pathology itself or to transfer it into a stable remission. In addition to drug treatment, the patient will be required to follow the rules of a healthy diet and undergo physiotherapy.


It is best to remove the manifestations of infectious pathology with antibiotics. The most popular means are macrolides, which are part of Sumamed, Azithromycin and other popular medicines.

The dosage of antibiotic drugs is determined by the doctor individually for each patient, and the duration of therapy is from 5 to 10 days.

When prescribing antibiotics, it is important to complete the course of treatment with them, regardless of the presence of clinical symptoms, otherwise the disease will return with renewed vigor, and pathogens will lose their sensitivity to this group of potent substances.

Itching and burning in the anorectal region is recommended to be eliminated with the help of hormonal drugs. Glucocorticosteroids usually have a complex effect: they stop inflammatory processes, have an antiseptic effect and eliminate the main clinical signs of the disease.

The most popular hormonal drugs used in urology are medicines based on betamethasone : Celestoderm , Fucicort .


A very important role in such treatment is played by the diet of the patient, because. Some products are able to relieve discomfort, while others, on the contrary, contribute to their strengthening. Ethyl alcohol is considered the most dangerous provocateur, so the diet for prostatitis completely excludes alcoholic beverages, including non-alcoholic beer.

Also under the ban are all spices and spices, onion, hot peppers, fatty and fried foods, pickled and smoked foods, conservation. Minimize the consumption of sweets and flour products, tk. An excess of carbohydrates adversely affects the strength of the immune system.

Steamed, boiled or baked in the oven will contribute to recovery. It should be mainly vegetables and root crops, meat and fish of low-fat varieties, cereals. Also in the diet should include greens, vegetables and fruits, dairy products.

IMPORTANT!!! You should drink a lot, preferably decoctions and drinks that increase the outflow of urine. Frequent urination will flush out the components of the urinary system, which will allow you to get rid of the infection faster.

Alternative medicine

Alternative methods are also often used to eliminate itching in the groin area, but on condition that they are agreed with the attending doctor. Effective and popular recipes include:

  • Baths with medicinal herbs. Chamomile, string and calendula, thyme, oak bark, cudweed, linden, sage will help relieve inflammation and eliminate infectious microflora. These plants can be used individually or made up of fees, and then make decoctions. The procedure should be taken for 15-20 minutes, 2-3 times a day, then apply an anti-inflammatory ointment or cream.
  • Decoctions from medicinal plants. Herbal decoctions can be taken orally, which allows you to strengthen the body’s defenses, increase urine outflow, and fight pathogens. In addition to already familiar herbs, it is good to drink drinks from parsley root, rosehip, coltsfoot.
  • Mini enemas. Douching of the urethra or rectum will help to provide local treatment. An infusion of fresh parsley root is best suited for this. It is washed, crushed into gruel, poured with boiling water and insisted for 20 minutes. After that, about 100 ml is drawn into the syringe and gently injected into the inflamed canal.

Itching in the groin is a severe symptom and can occur at any age. Preventive measures will help to avoid the appearance of discomfort.

At the same time, they are recommended for all men, and not just those who have already encountered prostatitis. This is a healthy diet, physical activity, giving up bad habits, maintaining the purity of sexual relations and regular preventive examinations.

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