Clothespins, noose straps and adjustable bolt-on vise: all the power of the clamps

Now we will talk about nipple and clitoris clamps. How to choose, so that the style is sustained, and a wave of pleasure swept the pain threshold. 

Uncontrolled pressure

The simplest clothespins are like linen. They press constantly and with the force that their inner “spring” provides. Once popular, but today – a rarity.

Why? They are the most painful to use. Lack of control is not something the modern user likes.

Are you among the remaining connoisseurs? Exclusive: the latest examples of the disappearing construction. For the clitoris or for the nipples. The latter are even complicated with weights for greater pain. For foodies only!   

Bolt as insurance

Versatility and safety are two main selling points of specialized hazardous goods today. Therefore, small bolts are screwed into small aluminum clothespins , with which you can control the compression force. And the ends are invariably hidden under non-slip elastic covers. This is not so much an insurance against injuries as a way to keep the accessory in place when the clamps are not tight.  

Lever in jewelry

When the image is above not only thirst, runners made of metal “eights” come to the rescue : lift them to the tips, and they will shrink more. Pull down – thin metal fingers will unclench. Yes, it’s not very convenient. But fantastically beautiful! 

Japanese castle

But is it possible to combine reliability with convenience – and so that the result is so good that a simple accessory would begin to set the tone for the whole image?

There is! Just refer to Japanese motives.

Three pairs of identical bolts, three pairs of different crossbars – and the metal hieroglyphs on the nipples will not let go of a single glance.  

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