Aphrodisiac for men: why take, how to cook at home?

Our ancestors believed that love can be caused by a magic potion. It is these properties that are endowed with plants, foods, aromas that cause excitement. They are known to contemporaries as aphrodisiacs , the “magical” properties of which are due to the composition. They are able to increase potency and sex drive. 

Essential questions and short answers about aphrodisiacs

What is an aphrodisiac?

What are they needed for?

What aphrodisiacs are sold in pharmacies?

What aphrodisiac foods are there?

Aphrodisiac – what is it?

Any drug that enhances libido is called an aphrodisiac. The list is extensive. It includes cosmetics, perfumery, scented candles, essential oil, food. The unifying factor is the content of special substances that stimulate attraction and desire.

Our ancestors called it the elixir of love, capable of stimulating the sexual interest of the opposite sex. Aphrodisiacs are male and female. This division is not arbitrary. It allows you to get the desired effect.

Why is it for men?

A woman, experiencing strong attraction, can not always relax and succumb to instinct. Means containing serotonin, for example, chocolate, can relieve fatigue, tightness, stress. The essential component found in many oils reveals and enhances the sensuality. It improves blood flow to the genitals.

Men usually don’t tense up before sex. On the contrary, they need additional stimulation, increased libido, endurance. By enhancing blood circulation and sensitivity, the aphrodisiac improves the quality of intercourse, helps to achieve maximum erection and a bright climax. 

There are several types of aphrodisiac:

  • Pheromones. Contains a substance that affects the sense of smell. As a rule, they do not have a pronounced odor. They are considered higher nervous activity.
  • Plants and animals. Natural (natural) pathogens have various mechanisms of influence on the sexual sphere.

Amphetamine, cocaine, and some other drugs are able to excite, make sexual intercourse sensual and passionate, enhance orgasm. Long-term use leads to the opposite effect. It is very harmful and illegal to take such funds. 

There are drugs sold in pharmacies that are classified as aphrodisiacs. They are sold without a prescription, differ in price, usually give quick results, and help prepare for upcoming intimacy.

How does the drug work?

The natural aphrodisiac has the following positive effects on the male body:

  • Enhances testosterone production thanks to selenium, zinc.
  • Provides the body with the necessary amount of energy thanks to fatty acids, proteins, easily assimilated natural glucose.
  • Strengthens the immune system, enhancing protection against viral infections and other diseases.
  • Rehabilitates the nervous system after hard, strenuous work, restoring inner harmony, relaxing.

The versatile action allows a man to quickly tone up, increase potency, and get excited.

Aphrodisiac in pharmacies

Among the pharmaceutical preparations with an aphrodisiac effect, the following are considered the safest and most effective:

  • Yohimbine . The drug is made from substances contained in the bark of the Yohimbe tree . The remedy expands the blood vessels of the penis, activates the brain nerve centers responsible for sexuality. The result is uncertainty, fear disappear, the sensitivity of receptors sharply improves. The packaging will cost 450-500 rubles. 
  • Impaza . Homeopathic remedy. The composition is represented by purified antibodies. The effect is to improve the rate of blood circulation in the penis, prolong an erection. The use of the drug on an ongoing basis leads to the normalization of libido, increased satisfaction with sex life. The cost is from 400 to 600 rubles.
  • Golden horse . The name comes from the main component – seahorse extract. The composition is exclusively natural (ginseng root, kidney tea). Increases sexual stamina, libido, relieves sexual dysfunction, enhances orgasm. The cost for a blister (10 tablets) is 350-500. It is more profitable to take 100 pieces at once for 1400-1800 rubles.

Along with the listed aphrodisiacs for men sold in pharmacies, there are dietary supplements whose names and prices are presented below:

  • Mucuna burning – from 900;
  • Goryanka – from 300;
  • Peruvian poppy – from 195;
  • Eurekoma – from 250;
  • Damiana – from 130.

Dietary supplements are rarely sold in urban pharmacological networks. It is much easier to purchase such funds over the Internet.

How to make aphrodisiacs at home?

You can increase potency not only with purchased, but also self-prepared aphrodisiacs. The recipes and applications are simple.

Essential oil

The scent awakens various desires:

  • sandalwood excites fantasy, desire, potency;
  • patchouli enhances sexuality, sensuality of erogenous receptors, has a positive effect on the endocrine and hormonal systems;
  • juniper increases libido, duration of intercourse;
  • ginger adds masculine strength, confidence.

Oils are used as a fabric softener, 3-4 drops are added to the bath, applied to the skin. The ideal aphrodisiac is a mixture of ylang-ylang , rosemary, patchouli, taken in equal amounts.

Ether can be sprayed before intimacy. It is enough to purchase a diffuser. The diluted oil is used for an erotic stimulating massage for a partner.


On half a liter of dry white wine, put 2.5 tablespoons of natural honey, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger to taste, pour a little orange juice. Let it brew for 2 weeks. Take 50 ml per day. The main condition is not to increase the dosage. Otherwise, instead of the desired effect, you can get drunk.

Tinctures with aphrodisiac properties for the male body


The following remedies are prepared from plants that are aphrodisiacs:

  • The crushed rhizome of calamus marsh is poured with 10 parts of 70 percent alcohol, insisted for 14 days, filtered, taken 30 drops before meals.
  • Fresh chopped root (50 g) is poured with a liter of vodka, 100 g of natural honey is added. Leave for 2 weeks, pass through a filter. Take 50 ml 20-30 minutes before intimacy.

These funds can be taken on a regular basis.

Food as a causative agent

You can prepare a homemade aphrodisiac in the form of a romantic dinner that will help increase libido, enjoy the night of love:

  • Snack on a skewer. Cucumber slices, peeled shrimps, olives are cut and put on a “skewer”.
  • Salad. Finely chopped chicken fillet, boiled eggs, seasoned with mayonnaise and lemon juice, add walnuts. Let it brew for 40 minutes. Sprinkle with crackers before serving.
  • Mushrooms with cheese. Take a pound of mushrooms. Separate the legs from the hats. The first ones are crushed, fried, mixed with grated cheese, pepper, and salted. The hats are stuffed. Bake for 10 minutes. Served with wine.

Such dishes are not a strong aphrodisiac, but they increase attraction. If combined with scented candles, essential oils, the effect increases many times.

What aphrodisiac foods are there?

A man’s potency increases with regular use:

  • Seafood . They contain a lot of zinc, fatty omega-3, -6, -9 acids, protein, selenium. The most useful are fatty varieties of sea fish, mussels, trepangi, shrimp, oysters, red and black caviar.
  • Fruit . Highly digestible glucose, protein, fatty acids are found in avocados, bananas, coconuts, and mangoes. Dried fruits, including prunes, are healthy.
  • Nuts . The best pathogens are almonds, pistachios, walnuts and Brazil nuts.  
  • Spices . Increase blood flow to the genitals. This property is most pronounced in onions, garlic, ginger, celery, horseradish.

Oyster is the best aphrodisiac

Eggs, honey, chocolate have pronounced aphrodisiac properties. Bitter is especially effective.

Reviews of men

Most often, aphrodisiacs, especially those of natural origin, have no side effects. And their effect may be weaker than synthetic drugs, but longer and more confident. This allows men to feel better, not to lose confidence in themselves. Men speak positively about the use of aphrodisiacs most often. Women, in turn, are delighted with the experience of taking such products in pairs.

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