The first symptoms of prostatitis in men

Prostatitis refers to a purely male pathology of the urinary and reproductive systems. The disease can be acute or chronic, manifesting differently in each patient. Today it is a common ailment of the genitourinary system. At the moment, the disease has become much younger and is already found in men over the age of 25 years. In this article we will consider the question: how prostatitis manifests itself, and its treatment.

Necessary information

The nature of prostate dysfunction depends on a certain stage of sexual development of males:

  • damage to the prostate gland in young men who have not reached puberty is possible. However, such an ailment is not considered to be a separate disease due to the underdevelopment of the gland;
  • men who have a violent sex life are more likely to experience prostatitis in the form of an acute inflammatory process;
  • prostate disease in adult men manifests itself in the form of one of three ailments: benign and malignant tumors, chronic prostatitis.

People who have undergone any type of reproductive organ removal are deprived of the functioning of the prostate.

The prostate is an adnexal gland of the reproductive apparatus in the strong half. It is located at the junction of the urinary canal and the ejaculatory tunnel. The importance of the prostate in prepubertal boys has not been amenable to research. In an adult, the prostate is responsible for:

  • the formation of a secret that makes the seminal fluid less viscous and allows sperm to survive on the way to the egg;
  • production of prostaglandins in the body. This is a component that is responsible for increased blood flow to the penis before the formation of an erection. It also promotes the production of the hormone testosterone;
  • is responsible for the high rate of seminal fluid ejection during ejaculation, and also participates in the appearance of the final moment of sexual intercourse associated with the peak of intimate pleasure;
  • with the help of reflexes, it does not allow the penetration of urine into the seminal fluid during intimate relationships.

The prostate gland is a poorly protected organ for pathogenic microbes. It directly depends on the pathological conditions of the pelvic organs. A large flow of blood and lymph, which moves through the vessels of the damaged prostate, entails the phenomena of stagnation and edema, thereby exacerbating inflammation. The gland contains a large number of nerve fibers, so the pathology is manifested by pain.

Prostatitis is an inflammatory lesion of the prostate gland. The most common cause of this disease is a pelvic infection. But the infection itself is not capable of causing inflammation; this requires the presence of predisposing factors. This category includes:

  • a measured lifestyle (at risk are people who have a sedentary job);
  • regular stool retention;
  • numerous hypothermia;
  • too active intimacy and long periods of abstinence;

The prostate is a small organ in size and weighs approximately 20-25 grams. But the secret of the gland has the ability to have a detrimental effect on microbes , so inflammation in the prostate occurs during stagnation, then the secret loses its bactericidal property.

Manifestations of prostatitis

There are two stages of the disease:

The acute form is manifested by severe inflammation in the prostate gland. The patient has a fever up to 39 degrees, there is pain in the inguinal zone and in the process of excretion of feces and urine by the body. These are the first characteristic symptoms of prostatitis.

In the chronic course, these symptoms are smoothed out, therefore, many male representatives do not pay attention to the characteristic manifestations of the disease. The patient may have a rise in temperature up to 37 degrees, painful sensations during deurination and defecation. However, the main symptom of chronic prostatitis is present – this is the release of a small amount of mucous or purulent contents from the urethra .

Predisposing factors

There are 6 first symptoms of prostatitis – this is a failure in the process of deurination due to complicated urine output from the bladder when the urethra is compressed by the enlarged prostate gland (dysuria syndrome):

  • excretion of urine drop by drop;
  • painful sensations;
  • a stream of urine without pressure and no further than 20 cm;
  • jet discontinuity;
  • frequent urge to deurinate at night;
  • sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder.

Important! It is forbidden to make a diagnosis of prostatitis when these symptoms are detected without a thorough examination. This disease has a very complex process of origin and development, which includes various mechanisms.

It is impossible to resort to treatment of the disease on the basis of only clinical manifestations. You should immediately contact a specialist to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe therapeutic measures. Diagnosis and therapy are prescribed taking into account the organs and systems affected by the disease. In some cases, consultation with other specialists is needed.

Signs of illness

Prostatitis can manifest as an acute form of the inflammatory process, and chronic. The acute course is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane, follicle and parenchyma, but they should not be confused with symptoms of prostate adenoma. And chronic – is manifested by concomitant ailments.

Symptoms of prostatitis in men, identified by clinical and functional examinations:

  • Frequent urination

In a normal man, the urge to deurinate may be up to 12 times a day, usually 5 times. The volume of urine in a healthy patient per day is from 1 to 2 liters. The urge to deurinate in a healthy man occurs when the bladder is filled with a volume of 120-170 ml. Accumulation of urine over 350 ml creates the strongest desire to urinate.

In the inflammatory process, the walls of the bladder are systematically irritated and deurination becomes:

  • frequent, while the amount of urine is within the normal range;
  • in a small amount: the products of the inflammatory process irritate the receptors of the bladder, and there are false urges to deurinate , a feeling of an overflowing bladder, after its emptying, there is a feeling of its fullness;
  • painful due to narrowing of the urethra;
  • difficult due to compression of the urethra by the gland, sometimes manifested by the inability to empty the bladder when it is full;
  • frequent at night.
  • Temperature

As a rule, the temperature rises from 37 to 38 degrees. At the initial stage of sepsis, with purulent inflammation of the gland, the temperature rises above 39 degrees. In the last stage of septic shock, the temperature, on the contrary, drops to 35 degrees. Low temperature poses a threat to human life due to impaired platelet clotting. The outcome of prostatitis with a complication in the form of sepsis is unfavorable.

  • Presence of blood in urine

It is quite rare, but it is a dangerous sign of the course of the disease. Constant bleeding is almost impossible to stop. There are several reasons for the development of hematuria:

  • with perforation of the vessel into the urethra;
  • injury received during the study;
  • malignant hyperplasia.
  • Soreness

Inflammation of the prostate with an associated complication is accompanied by constant pain. It can rarely be intermittent. Most often, the pain is dull or aching in nature and manifests itself in the perineum and anus.

Laboratory methods

Appointed to clarify the stage of the disease:

  1. Blood test. With the prostate, an increased content of leukocytes, an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and a shift in the leukocyte formula towards stab cells are revealed;
  2. Analysis of urine. Determines the purulent contents in the urine and the presence of bacteria. A study of 3 jars is used: 3 servings of urine are taken at the beginning, middle and end of deurination . Numerous studies of urine with an interval of several days reveal a change in the bacterial flora;
  3. Bacteriological blood culture. It is prescribed for developing blood infection with a daily temperature fluctuation of 3-5 degrees.

Instrumental research

  1. Ultrasound through the rectum. To clarify the diagnosis is the most informative method. This study has contraindications;
  2. X-ray method. Before the study, a contrast agent is injected into the bladder;
  3. Excision of a piece of tissue for microscopic examination is used for limited indications.

Causes of prostatitis

Experts identify several classifications of why a man could develop prostatitis:

  • complication of symptoms of any diseases that have affected a person before or the negative effect of gynecological ailments in a partner;
  • urethral reflex. Failure of the functioning of the prostate is fraught with the inability to stop the reverse flow of urine. When this fluid reaches the genital tract, it is called the urethral reflex. Subsequently, bacterial contamination of the gland is formed. Such an ailment is a consequence of inflammatory processes in the urethra or improper insertion of the catheter. There is also an expansion of the lumen of the urethral canal;
  • unusual way of intimate life. If a man greatly increases or decreases the number of sexual relationships, this can contribute to the development of prostatitis. Also a reason to worry are constant delays in ejaculation;
  • stopper of venous blood in the genitals in the pelvic area. This happens in the absence of a sufficient number of active movements, sports;
  • hormonal disorders caused by a small production of hormones that form in the gonads. Because of this pathology, there is a general malaise of the skeletal and smooth muscles and other ailments.

Types of prostatitis

There are two divisions of this disease: bacterial and non-bacterial .

The first type is characterized by the fact that the disease occurs due to the presence of pathogenic microbes that have entered the body from the external environment. Staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli and many others fall into the category of harmful microorganisms. In addition, this classification of prostatitis includes cases when the disease is caused by a past disease transmitted through sexual contact.

For the second, non-bacterial species, there are also several divisions:

  • Congestive prostatitis. In this case, the disease of the gland is caused by a congestive characteristic in the pelvic area. This outcome is usually caused by incomplete ejaculation, an excessive number of acts of intimacy, long abstinence, incomplete sexual intercourse;
  • Sclerotic prostatitis. It is characterized by a decrease in the size and function of the prostate. There is a thickening of the woven membrane due to the death of prostate cells and their degeneration into solid connective tissue. The causes of this type are frequent defecation disorders in the form of difficult, slow bowel movements, taking certain medications and numerous infections. This type of inflammation of the prostate is incurable;
  • Calculous prostatitis. With this type of inflammation, the presence of stones in the gland is detected. Having reached a large size, they provoke severe pain in the urethra. Therapy consists in the removal of stones by surgical or therapeutic methods;
  • Prostatodynia . It is characterized by the presence of constant pain in the pelvic area, the causes of which have not been studied. It can presumably be caused by a reverse outflow of secretion, a disease of the bladder neck, damage to the muscle tissue between the anus and the reproductive organs, and a psychological factor is not excluded;
  • Atypical prostatitis. The patient may complain of pain in the lower extremities, lumbar and sacrum, which is not present in typical forms of prostatitis. The outcome of therapy is directly related to the duration of the course of the disease, the presence of complications and the severity of the inflammatory process.

If treatment is not started on time, or there is a re-exacerbation of prostatitis, then the inflammation becomes severe, which is fraught with serious complications: reduced potency, inability to conceive a child, depression, severe pain, prostate adenoma in men.


Everything will directly depend on age, immunity, bad habits and timeliness of treatment. So, in elderly people with a reduced immune system, complicated by excessive consumption of alcohol-containing products, the consequences will be very severe.

Action on potency. A damaged gland reduces the production of hormones that are responsible for the onset of an erection. Complications are the lack of completeness of sensations during intimacy, a weak release of seminal fluid, signs of prostate adenoma in men and impotence.

Influence on the conception of a child. An inflamed prostate greatly reduces the production of normal secretion, which is necessary for the activity of spermatozoa in the female reproductive organs for fertilization. The secret, getting into the birth canal of a girl during intimacy, undergoes immune rejection, which leads to the impossibility of fertilizing the egg.

Other complications. With an exacerbation of prostatitis, the risk of accumulation of pus in the tissues of the prostate increases. Pain with prostatitis intensifies. When a secondary infection is attached, the epithelium melts, followed by the appearance of a capsule near the inflammation. Also, the consequences include an acute form of urinary retention, urolithiasis, the appearance of prostate adenoma in men and others.

Intimacy with inflammation

It has already been proven that the main causes of prostatitis are the absence of sexual relations with increased excitability or excessive sexual activity. Regular ejaculation with normal frequency has a beneficial effect in the initial stages of prostatitis. In some procedures and stages of the disease, it is temporarily forbidden to engage in intimacy. For more information, please consult with a specialist.

Important! During the treatment of prostatitis, you can make love, but only in a safe and moderate relationship, unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor.

Prostatitis is a purely male disease. But inflammation of the gland poses a health risk to the partner. It poses a threat to the conception and bearing of an unborn child. A healthy lifestyle and reliable contraceptives are an effective way to protect partners from complications.

Treatment of prostatitis

It is possible to completely recover and stop the further development of the disease only with timely access to a specialist. In this case, you will achieve a positive result. When irreversible changes appear, it is not possible to completely get rid of the disease. As a rule, re-inflammation occurs with a transition to the chronic type.

Along with drug treatment, an important point is whether the patient is ready to change his lifestyle (for example, irregular intimate relationships or a sedentary lifestyle). If the patient does not want to change his usual way of life, then soon the disease will again make itself felt. It is with the fact that the patient does not want to change these negative factors that the concept that prostatitis is not treated is connected.

Treatment options, its period of time will be prescribed by a specialist after a full examination and establishing the cause of the occurrence. The main drug during treatment are antibiotics. Vitamins, physiotherapy, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are also recommended. Exacerbation of prostatitis takes a longer period of treatment.


With the right diet and the use of certain products, you can achieve:

  • reducing pain;
  • improve the movement of blood and lymph in the vessels of the prostate;
  • boosting the immune system;
  • normalization of the intestines;
  • reduce the formation of urine at night.

The following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  1. Coffee and spicy foods – increase blood flow to the prostate, increase soreness;
  2. Fats, fatty meats, eggs, flour products – increase the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, reduce the movement of blood flow;
  3. Alcoholic products – lowers the body’s immune system;
  4. Food with coarse fiber and salty – violates the wave-like contractions of the intestinal walls;
  5. Excessive fluid intake (especially in the evening) – increases the fluid content in the body, which leads to swelling.

Recommended products: fresh vegetable salads with olive oil; fruit; boiled meat of low-fat varieties; vegetables; juices and nuts.



  • walking promenade with a wide step (physiological walking);
  • balanced diet;
  • healthy lifestyle;
  • the use of male contraceptives;
  • moderate intimacy and more.


It is not at all necessary to wait for the manifestation of any ailments, but it is necessary to visit a doctor once a year for preventive purposes. Treatment for secondary exacerbation of prostatitis is much harder and takes a longer period of time, and is also fraught with its own complications.

In this article, we learned how inflammation of the prostate gland manifests itself, and what pains occur with prostatitis, how to treat this ailment.

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