The first signs of prostatitis

Various diseases are an integral part of human life. Someone is faced with them from birth, someone does not go to doctors until a very old age, because each organism is individual.

Some diseases are dangerous in themselves, others should be feared because of the complications they are fraught with, others are “harmless”, etc.

Various diseases and ailments are an integral part of human life.

But all diseases have one thing in common – their manifestations disrupt the usual rhythm of life. In a separate group, doctors distinguish diseases of the male reproductive system, since prostatitis and prostate adenomas can “poison” the life of every patient, and their complications can cost lives.

Male diseases and their features

Men face manifestations of prostatitis and adenoma after forty years. It is at this age that age-related changes and life habits begin to destroy internal organs, and one of the first systems to fall under the blow of time becomes reproductive.

In recent years, there has been a tendency to “rejuvenate” these ailments: as a result of poor ecology, bad habits, promiscuous sex life and malnutrition, men feel signs of the disease already at the age of 30-35 years.

Prostatitis and prostate adenomas can “poison” the life of every patient, and their complications can cost lives

Most men ignore the first symptoms of these ailments, attributing them to fatigue and stress. But every day the manifestations of the disease intensify, and the processes occurring in the body become irreversible.

The initial disease first passes into the chronic stage, then gives complications, provokes the development of other, more serious diseases. Prolonged neglect of one’s health can cause not only the loss of male strength and a quiet life, but simply the patient’s life.

How to avoid the development of sexual ailments? First of all, take care of your body and health. It is also necessary to regularly undergo a medical examination and pay special attention to the state of the reproductive system.

This will help to detect a developing disease in a timely manner and consult a doctor for medical help.

This is very important, since it is possible to cure male diseases in the early stages quickly, but neglected and complicated ailments are treated for a long and difficult time and not always successfully.

Latent phase of prostatitis and its signs

Prostatitis is the original disease that affects the strong half of humanity. A feature of the disease is the fact that the first signs of prostatitis in men occur immediately, as soon as the disease begins to develop.

IMPORTANT!!! The first symptoms are very mild, appear from time to time, and men rarely pay attention to them. This allows prostatitis to develop from a latent stage to an active, more pronounced one.

The first symptoms that should not be ignored are:

  • discomfort, feeling of heaviness or aching pain in the lower abdomen and scrotum;
  • burning, itching and discomfort in the anus and perineum;
  • discomfort in the head of the penis, aggravated after intercourse.

Most often, such discomfort is attributed to uncomfortable underwear or tight trousers, long sitting or working posture. But this is how the disease manifests itself at first, so it is very dangerous to ignore such symptoms.

Without conducting an examination at this stage, a man loses precious time, and prostatitis goes into a more acute stage.

Manifestations of the active stage of prostatitis

The signal that the prostatitis has passed into the next phase and begins to actively affect the iron prostate organ is the strengthening of the existing signs and the appearance of new ones, more characteristic of this disease. If, even with these signs, a man does not seek medical help, changes in the organ can become irreversible and lead to more serious ailments.

The main symptom of the active phase of prostatitis is a violation of urination. It is expressed in:

  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • burning and pain when urinating;
  • a small amount of secreted fluid;
  • nighttime urination.

The inconvenience and discomfort experienced during the natural process of emptying the bladder is caused by compression of the ureters located between the lobes of the prostate gland.

Inflammatory processes occurring in this organ lead to its increase, which causes compression of the urinary canal. And the pathogenic microflora that caused this inflammation causes burning and itching in the urethra and lower groin.

There are reasons that are considered indirect, that is, conducive to the appearance of prostatitis, and reinforcing its manifestations. One of these reasons is the unhealthy sex life of a man.

IMPORTANT!!! This reason is two-sided: an unsuccessful sexual life contributes to the development of prostatitis, and the disease worsens existing intimate relationships.

Irregular sex life, promiscuous intimate relationships, untreated infectious and sexual ailments contribute to the appearance of stagnation of blood and prostate juice in the pelvic organs. Such an environment is favorable for the development of pathogenic and bacterial microflora, which causes inflammation and the development of male ailments.

Prostatitis significantly worsens the intimate life of a man. He has problems with sexual desire, libido is greatly reduced. The pleasure that intimate relationships previously provided is reduced to zero, because pain and the fear of disappointing a partner with early ejaculation or a lost erection are mixed with it.

As medical surveys show, this symptom of the disease is the most unpleasant for the stronger sex. The loss of the former sexual strength introduces a man into a state of constant stress, causing disturbances in the psycho-emotional state, and this further increases erectile dysfunction and aggravates the patient’s condition.

The recommendations of doctors for this problem are considered the most pleasant for a man: you need to have sex with prostatitis as often as possible.

It is a rare intimate life that is the cause of the disease, and activity in bed is not only prevention, but also the best cure for the disease.

Fear of failure can be overcome with the help of sedatives of natural origin, love and care of the second half, auto-training. Even incomplete erection and early ejaculation are the best alternative to the complete absence of sexual intercourse.

There are also signs characteristic of prostatitis in men, indicating an acute stage and a strong inflammatory process occurring in the prostate gland and other organs of the small pelvis. This:

  • lumps of mucus in urine;
  • blood in seminal fluid;
  • defecation disorders, pain during this process;
  • pain during ejaculation.

Like any inflammation in the body, prostatitis manifests itself as common signs of a deterioration in health. A man’s temperature rises and lasts for a long time at about 37.0-37.5 degrees, there is increased fatigue, drowsiness, apathy or irritability.

If a man has at least a few of the above symptoms, it is imperative to consult a doctor and take the necessary tests. Prostatitis refers to diseases that must be treated at the very beginning of their development, when changes in the prostate have not become fatal.

How does prostatitis develop?

The root cause of the disease is an infection that has entered the human body. Therefore, it is necessary to treat all diseases that occur in a man, and not just bacterial diseases of the genitourinary system.

Pathogenic bacteria can cause disease by entering the body through any mucous membrane. Having penetrated into the circulatory system, pathogenic microorganisms “look for” a favorable environment for development, and if it is in the pelvis, they begin to multiply there.

Also, inflammatory processes occur against the background of hormonal failure, improper metabolism in the body, and disruption of the circulatory system. Depending on whether bacterial inflammation or not, the nature of the course of the disease and its form are distinguished.

So, prostatitis can be acute, when all the symptoms are pronounced, and chronic, when the manifestations of the disease fade away, but the inflammation itself does not disappear.

From what form prostatitis will develop, and what kind of signs it will manifest itself, no doctor can say for sure. Therefore, it is impossible to directly state that pain in the lower abdomen or scrotum is an accurate sign of the inflammatory process and developing prostatitis.

But any discomfort must find an explanation and the exact cause, therefore, such signs cannot be ignored.

Any violations of the functioning of the genitourinary system should not be left without attention , namely:

  • an increased desire to empty the bladder and a feeling that it was not completely possible to do this;
  • pain in the external and internal genital organs, aggravated by urination or intimacy;
  • the appearance of problems in sexual relations that were not there before;
  • disorders in the work of the nervous system, expressed in a change in habitual behavior: irritability, increased nervousness, the appearance of an obsessive idea that a failure has occurred in the body, and the situation can no longer be corrected.

Usually, men pay attention to the last signs last, because they do not cause physical discomfort, and therefore are not so important (according to the representatives of the stronger sex). But such conditions exacerbate the existing problems and disruptions in the functioning of internal systems, worsening the patient’s health more and more every day.

Later disorders are also possible: with a healthy erection and strong arousal, ejaculation does not occur or occurs very quickly

Disorder of intimate health can be expressed in different signs or their combination. So, some men complain about a decrease in their usual libido: arousal does not have the same strength, and in order to cause it, some effort is required on both sides.

Other patients experience erectile dysfunction: it becomes weak or completely absent, it can disappear at the most crucial moment or lead to early ejaculation. Later disorders are also possible: with a healthy erection and strong arousal, ejaculation does not occur or occurs very quickly.

Such signs often force men to turn to specialists, because the loss of male power usually worries them more than a dangerous, but unfamiliar disease that threatens with long-term consequences.

But there are some patients with similar disorders who are embarrassed by such problems and are in no hurry to tell even doctors about them. By doing this, they aggravate their physical and emotional state and lose time when the disease can be cured quickly and easily.

Disorder of intimate health can be expressed in different signs or their combination

In the chronic stage, prostatitis manifests itself as mild symptoms, expressed mainly in dull and rare pain felt in the lower abdomen, scrotum, perineum. Discomfort in the urinary tract is present almost constantly, but increases in the morning when urinating or during sexual contact (with ejaculation).

There may also be a discharge of a yellow tint from the urethra, not associated with going to the toilet and intimacy. Failures in bed are less common than in the acute stage of prostatitis, but still do not completely disappear. They are usually expressed by early ejaculation, reduced libido and incomplete erection.

Prostate adenoma and its features

If left untreated, prostatitis turns into another, more dangerous disease – prostate adenoma. Adenoma is a benign tumor that grows in the prostate gland. As it increases, the urethra is compressed, and the outflow of urine in a man is disturbed.

If left untreated, prostatitis turns into another, more dangerous disease – prostate adenoma.

In addition to untreated prostatitis, a common cause of prostate adenoma is an altered hormonal background, failures of which cause age-related changes in the body. The main signs of prostate adenoma are similar to the manifestations of prostatitis: pain, difficulty going to the toilet, deterioration in general health.

According to the classification adopted by physicians, the disease is divided into several stages. The symptoms of this disease also differ: at first there are few of them, and they are weakly expressed, then other unpleasant sensations are added, and they manifest themselves more clearly.

The first stage of adenoma is called preclinical . At this stage, the signs of the disease are practically absent or very weakly expressed, they appear from time to time. The second stage of the disease can no longer be missed: at this stage, there are serious problems with urination and disruption of the circulatory system. The third stage is characterized by incomplete chronic retention of urine.

Problems with complete emptying of the bowels lead to stagnation of urine in the bladder. The liquid remaining in it irritates the zones inside the urinary tract, which leads to a reflex desire to empty again and again, but the squeezed channel does not allow this.

Problems with complete emptying of the bowels lead to stagnation of urine in the bladder

Constant irritation and stagnation of urine cause pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort in the perineum and penis. If the disease develops in older men (in the sixth decade of life), early ejaculation and blood in the seminal fluid are added to the existing signs.

The main manifestations of prostate adenoma

Prostate hyperplasia (this is how prostate adenoma is correctly called) has characteristic signs that are difficult to confuse with symptoms of other ailments. They occur mainly in the representatives of the stronger sex older than 45-50 years. Predispose to adenoma infections of the urinary tract and reproductive system, which the patient has not cured in a timely manner.

Pathogenic microflora develops in the pelvic organs, but when it enters a favorable environment (stagnation of urine or prostate juice), the reproduction processes increase several times. Complement the picture and exacerbate the situation of the pathology of the circulatory system: dilated vessels, thrombosis, abnormal blood flow. All these processes together lead to the beginning of the growth of prostate tissue.

When the tumor reaches certain limits, the channel through which urine leaves the body is compressed, and the stage of dysuria begins. It is at this stage that the disease manifests itself with vivid symptoms that cannot be overlooked. These include:

  • frequent trips to the toilet at night;
  • over time – frequent urination and in the daytime;
  • a strong desire to empty the urinary tract and the lack of a sufficient amount of urine when urinating;
  • urinary incontinence.

When the tumor reaches certain limits, the channel through which urine leaves the body is compressed, and the stage of dysuria begins.

Sometimes these signs become less pronounced: after a vacation or taking vitamins, but after a while they return, and often stronger than before. Also, an increase in these symptoms is possible if prostatic hyperplasia is complicated by a bacterial infection. Then others are added to the already existing manifestations: burning and itching in the perineum, discharge from the urethra, blood in the urine, etc.

Stagnation of blood and urine in the pelvis, leading to various male ailments, is provoked not only by infections of the genital tract, but also by defecation disorders (frequent and prolonged constipation), a sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition, alcoholism and drug use, hypothermia.

IMPORTANT!!! The most striking sign of the second stage of prostate adenoma is the inability to empty the bladder when it feels full and ready to burst.

The bladder is really filled, but the unpleasant sensation is caused by the tumor squeezing it, located directly under the bladder.

asta of blood and urine in the pelvis, leading to various male ailments, provoke not only infections of the genital tract, but also defecation disorders

A narrow urinary canal affects the quality of the urine stream, it loses tension, becomes very weak and thin. There is no strength and pressure in it, it slowly flows out of the urethra and at the same time splashes in all directions. These symptoms intensify in the morning: nighttime urge to urinate does not allow fluid to leave the body, and by morning the desire to urinate makes the man simply run to the toilet.

The second stage in the development of prostatic hyperplasia is the absence of residual urine. The signs of this stage also include manifestations that can only be detected by a visual examination of the internal organs. This is hypertrophy of the walls of the bladder and a decrease in the tone of its secondary organs (cervix).

Usually, in the second stage of development, the patient does not feel a deterioration in general well-being. But the symptoms that have arisen do not leave him indifferent and disturb him, disrupting the state of the nervous system and emotional health. Bad sleep, fatigue and weakness, increased irritability do not add strength and optimism.

Usually, in the second stage of development, the patient does not feel a deterioration in general well-being.

Features of the third stage of prostate adenoma

The third stage of the disease is due to stretched and thinned walls of the bladder, reduced muscle tone that supports the organ. Such changes cause the accumulation of urine in the urinary tract, which actually begins at this stage. But the patient practically does not feel this accumulation, although the presence of this fluid affects the general well-being.

Excess urine under the influence of gravity penetrates the ureters, but does not find an exit and stretches their walls. Such phenomena lead to disruption of the functioning of another important organ – the kidneys, leading to the gradual destruction of their cells.

Such changes occur very slowly, usually it takes more than one year for such changes to appear. If the patient receives the necessary treatment, these consequences can easily be avoided.

If therapy is not carried out, urine continues to accumulate in the bladder. Changes that disrupt the functioning of the urinary system are intensifying, and urine accumulates in larger and larger volumes, sometimes its amount reaches two liters.

But since the pathological processes proceed very slowly, the man has time to get used to his condition and practically does not feel these symptoms. Therefore, urinary incontinence, which is a logical continuation of stretched muscles and accumulated fluid, causes bewilderment and panic in the patient.

The third stage of the disease is due to stretched and thinned walls of the bladder, reduced muscle tone that supports the organ

But this phenomenon is explained very simply: the sphincter loses its elasticity, and urine begins to flow out of the bladder on its own. This symptom is typical for the fourth stage of prostate adenoma, when the disease progresses so much that the processes in the organs become irreversible.

At this stage, manifestations of kidney failure, structural damage to liver cells, and intestinal dysfunction are already noticeable. Outwardly, such pathologies are manifested by a change in the skin: they become dry, turn pale and peel off.

Improper functioning of the kidneys and liver leads to the fact that toxins and various harmful substances are not excreted from the body naturally, but accumulate and poison the body of a man. A serious complication in this case is intoxication of the body, failure of the kidneys and dehydration of the patient’s body.

To prevent such consequences, prostatitis and prostate adenoma must be treated in the early stages of their development. By seeking professional help, diseases can be cured quickly and with minimal effort.

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